

(310) 894-6440

Asset Protection Planning

Safeguarding your assets can be complicated
Competent asset protection planning is one of the most deprived areas of estate and financial planning. Nevertheless, many people have a negative view of this term without fully understanding the concepts underlying it. While many law firms offer generic solutions intended to fit the needs of everybody, this field is one of the most complex and involved areas of law. A potential client needs special individualized attention in order to have their specific needs fulfilled. Asset protection is expected to allow people or businesses to protect any owned property from an unexpected lawsuit or claim that may arise, while reducing liability exposure to all claims to the best of his or her ability.

Life can be shaky

LAW MART assists in the protection of assets because they are involved in life experiences that carry with them the risk of lawsuits. Some are in a legally risky profession, engage in risky endeavors, own or invest in businesses often subject to lawsuits, have fiduciary positions which open them to lawsuits, or have life situations with risks of financial exposure. The actual procedure is varied and needs to be specifically customized to the individual situation and assets. The more simpler solutions are often used to minimize exposure when there is less concern regarding a lawsuit, but more complex solutions are generally multifaceted and involve a number of strategies that can be in your favor. Our experienced attorneys are quick and responsive to these issues, enjoy a high level of knowledge in techniques and tax implications, and maintain relationships with trust companies, fiduciaries and attorneys throughout the U.S. and internationally.

Strategic Procedures

Some of the planning strategies our attorneys will employ to safeguard your assets include:

  • Limited Liability Companies
  • Self-Settled Domestic Trusts
  • Self-Settled Out-of-State Trusts
  • Foreign Asset Protection Trusts Loan Agreements
  • Buy/Sell and Shareholder Agreements
  • Poison Pill Agreements
  • Transmutation Agreements
  • Qualified Personal Residence Trusts
  • Interfamily Gifting Strategies

Enduring Personal Liability

There are many risks associated with operating your business, and some of these risks can leave you personally liable. Your personal assets need to be protected in the event of legal action against your business or fiduciary relationship. We want to assist you in the protection of your assets.