

(310) 894-6440

Sex Crime

If you have been contacted by a detective investigating a sex crime or you’ve been delivered a search warrant on your physical or electronic property, it’s imperative that you don’t make any statements and contact an experienced sex crime attorney immediately.

Sex crimes are aggressively investigated and prosecuted in California, and you can’t afford to attempt to defend yourself on your own. Having an experienced criminal defense attorney can help you defend the following sex crimes:

  • Lewd Act with a Minor Under Age 14 (PC 288)
  • Oral Copulation (PC 288a)
  • Arranging a Meeting with a Minor to Commit a Lewd Act (PC 288.4)
  • Possession of Child Pornography (PC 311.1)
  • Child Annoyance (PC 647(a))
  • Unlawful Intercourse with a Minor or “Statutory Rape” (PC 261.5)
  • Rape (PC 261)
  • Sexual Battery (PC 243.4)
  • Indecent Exposure (PC 314)
  • Lewd Act in Public (PC 647(a))
  • Failure to Register as a Sex Offender (PC 290)

Sex Crimes Against Minors

Sex crimes against minors understandably invoke some strong emotions. Unfortunately, sometimes these emotions can get the best of the prosecutor, judge, and/or jury and lead to unobjective and unfair rulings. An experienced California sex crime attorney will make sure your case remains fair, and your side of the story gets told.

Internet Sex Crimes

Under California Penal Codes 288.3(a) and 288(4) a, anyone who knowingly communicates or attempts to communicate with a minor with the intent to arrange a meeting to commit a lewd act is guilty of a felony sex crime. People who are convicted of either of these offenses are required to register as sex offenders. Other internet sex crimes that our team of attorneys have experience defending include possession and distribution of child pornography, sexting nude images to a minor, arranging a meeting with a minor to commit a lewd act, lewd acts with a minor, and much more.

Indecent Exposure

Under California Penal Code Section 314, indecent exposure is defined as willfully exposing your genitals to another person with the specific intent of sexual gratification or offending them. This can take place in a public place or any other area where other people are around who may be offended or annoyed by your public display. As you can tell, these laws are a bit vague and can even include conduct that you did not believe was or intended to be illegal. A Los Angeles sex crime attorney will make sure the prosecutor does not have enough evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you:

  • Willfully expose your genitals in the presence of other people who could be annoyed or offended by your act.
    • When you exposed yourself, you acted in a lewd manner by drawing attention to yourself with the intent of personal sexual arousal or offending someone else.

Misdemeanor Sex Crimes

Not all sex crimes in California are “straight felonies”. For example, there are some crimes, including Indecent Exposure, Statutory Rape, and Sexual Assault and Battery, that are considered wobbler offenses. A wobbler offense can be prosecuted as either a felony or misdemeanor — depending on the facts of each case, the defendant’s criminal record, and any aggravating factors.

Furthermore, there are some sex crimes that are “straight misdemeanors” in California, such as Lewd Act in Public, Child Annoyance, and Prostitution. 

Although misdemeanors are typically viewed as less serious than felonies, a misdemeanor sex crime can still carry the same weight — and consequences — as felony sex crimes, including jail time, lifetime sex offender registration, and lasting effects in your personal and business relationships.

Felony Sex Crimes

Felony sex crimes are the most serious sex crimes in California. These offenses include:

  • Rape
  • Sodomy
  • Lewd Act with a Minor Under 14
  • Penetration with a Foreign Object
  • Oral Copulation

Felony sex crimes carry lengthy prison stays in California, hefty fines, and mandatory sex offender registration. Lifetime sex offender registration is also a possibility. As part of Megan’s Law, people sentenced to lifelong sex offender registration in California must register on the state and national sex offender registries. On the online registry, your name, address, sex crime you were convicted of, and photographs are displayed, which is why this punishment — and the conviction of a felony sex crime in California — is life-changing and devastating. 

Law Mart Can Help

Sex crimes are serious charges. If you’ve been accused, investigated, charged, or convicted of a sex crime, you need a serious California sex crime attorney. Contact us today for a free case evaluation. Don’t wait any longer. Your future and freedom are on the line.

Call LAW MART for a FREE Case Review: 310-894-6440