

(310) 894-6440


If you believe that you have been wronged financially or otherwise, you need a civil lawyer to help assess the merits of your case. On the other end of the spectrum, if another person or business sues you, meeting with a civil attorney is paramount. It is important to have a lawyer who is familiar with the legal system, as the laws and regulations can differ from other areas. Having an experienced Civil Litigation Attorney on your side can make all the difference in the outcome of your case and even help you start a lawsuit on the party that owes you for your loss.

Not having a law firm look over your case, advise your response, and represent you if the case goes to court can result in catastrophic consequences. The reality is that the other party will have professional, legal help . You don’t want to fall behind out of the gate.

What Civil Litigation Attorney Do

Once you have hired or retained a civil lawyer , he or she will handle all significant aspects of your civil case. You are ultimately in control of your case. It is crucial, however, to defer to your civil litigation attorney’s judgment in all legal decisions. Here are a few examples of what you can expect from hiring an experienced Civil Litigation Attorney:

  • Your experienced civil attorney will conduct an interview with you and other witnesses or parties to help understand and build your case.
  • Conduct depositions to be used as testimonies
  • Handle all correlation with the other party’s lawyers and the court
  • File motions, briefs, and any other legal documents on your behalf
  • Serve discovery requests made by the other party
  • Hire expert witnesses to bear witness about any technical, medical, or professional issues that concern your case
  • Initiate in negotiations with the other party’s attorney regarding any possible settlements
  • Represent you and present your civil case before a judge and/or jury

Our experienced Civil Litigation Attorney knows the best way to handle your case. From the initial stages to the paperwork to your day in court. We don’t waste your time but take all of the necessary steps to ensure your civil case is handled properly. Contact Law Mart to discuss your situation and the best way to move forward and find an experienced Civil Litigation Attorney.

What Are the Cases?

In general, civil cases are conflicts between people or businesses. Oftentime, these conflicts involve money but aren’t restricted to finances. One party, the plaintiff, claims to have been somehow harmed by the actions by the other party, the defendant. The plaintiff files a complaint hoping for relief from the court.

These cases can end in a variety of ways as followed:

  • The plaintiff may be awarded damages or money to compensate for the suffering caused.
  • The result may also be an injunction that prevents the plaintiff from doing something or a declaratory judgment, where the court determines the meaning of a contract.

Furthermore, a civil case does not need to go all the way to court as the parties can negotiate and settle it themselves. At any time during the case, the parties can sucessfully agree to resolve the dispute and reach a compromisation that will make both parties satisfied.

Our main goal is to ensure you remain whole. Whether this means getting you the payout you deserve or protecting your interests from the other party, we treat your civil case with the utmost significance. Our experienced Civil Litigation Attorneys also make sure you know the potential outcomes and help set realistic expectations for your outcome.

Types of Civic Cases

There are a wide variety of cases that can be handled by a Civil Attorney. Below are the four of the most common types of cases you may encounter:

  1. Tort Claims

A tort is a wrongful act, not counting a breach of contract, that results in an injury to someone’s person , property, reputation, or so on. If the plaintiff wins the case, the result is likely financial compensation. Some common torts are personal injury, battery, defamation, fraud, and negligence.

An intentional tort is when an individual or entity purposefully engages in conduct that causes damage to someone else — for example, striking someone during a fight would meet this definition. While this might seem like a criminal injury, it can also be a tort. If the government decides to file criminal charges, the result could be a fine or jail time. The lawsuit would seek monetary compensation for damages, like hospital bills or medical care.

Negligence is the most common type of tort. Instead of involving deliberate actions, negligence is when an individual or entity is careless and fails to provide a duty to another person. Slip and fall cases are the most common negligence cases.

For instance, a broken staircase without proper support or warning could cause someone to fall. The owner of the stairs was negligent.

  1. Breach of Contract

When someone fails to perform some term of a contract, it’s considered a breach of contract. Both written and oral agreements can also be breached. For instance, not completing a job, not paying in full, or failing to deliver goods, and so on.

There are various types of contract breaches. Actual breaches are when one party refuses to perform the terms of the contract adequately.

For example, if you had a contract with a company to build a fence. The company takes your money, builds half of your fence, and never returns your money. They breached the contract by not completing the job. On the flip side, your contractor might also seek a breach of contract suit if he finished the job, but you do not pay the amount agreed upon.

Anticipatory breaches are when one of the parties to the contract informs the other that the agreement will not be completed. This could happen if, for example, your wedding planner lets you know that she will no longer be planning your wedding. Depending on the terms of your contract, he or she could be in breach.

  1. Equitable Claims

An equitable claim asks the court to order a party to stop or start a specific action. These claims can also be combined with requests for monetary damages. Equitable claims can result in a temporary restraining order or an injunction. For instance, someone might make an equitable claim to stop the destruction of property, improper transfer of land, or the solicitation of a business’ customers.

Imagine that you own an art gallery and signed a contract with a local artist to display a particular piece. If the artist doesn’t deliver the piece, a court can then order that artist to deliver what was promised or pay a fine. In some cases, the court may modify the contract to make it fairer for both parties. The court may also cancel or rescind the agreement altogether if the deal is deemed overly unfair.

  1. Landlord-Tenant Issues

Courts handle all kinds of disputes between landlords and tenants. For example, if a landlord is attempting to evict a tenant for some reason or if tenants need to sue for the return of their security deposits.

One of the most essential landlord-tenant issues is not necessarily about the substance of the problem, but if the claim was filed correctly.

For instance, a landlord can not simply change the locks to evict a tenant. This “self-help eviction” can get the landlord in trouble, even if the tenant legally deserved an eviction. A court makes the eviction decision, not the landlord. Working outside of the proper procedure can work against the landlord’s interests.

Another example, can be that the tenant owes $20,000 and has not paid for damages or late rent in the apartment. The landlord has the sole right to sue for damages and make judgment against the tenant.

Our experienced Civil Litigation Attorney has dealt with nearly every kind of civil case imaginable in California. We know how to represent your interests regardless of the situation. If you want to file a lawsuit or you are unsure if you even have a civil case or don’t know how to respond to a suit against you, contact us today to discuss your options at (310) 894-6440.

Do I Need a Lawyer?

When you are considering  filing a lawsuit in California , it’s vital to meet with an experienced Civil Litigation lawyer. Your initial meeting will help determine if you have a case and what steps are needed to move forward. A Civil Attorney knows which cases are worth pursuing and what the chances are to be successful. They know all of the steps and paperwork required and might even know alternative methods to solve your dispute.

You’ll also want to contact an experienced Civil Litigation Attorney if you’ve been named in a suit by someone else. You never want to dismiss a lawsuit, even if it seems foolish. It’s possible to lose a case in court by being unprepared or not showing up. Sometimes it’s also worth contacting a Civil Litigation Attorney at the threat of being sued so that you know your options.

Anyone seeking legal guidance can rely on our attorneys to provide them with personalized advice and support, offering sound advice based on their specific situations and needs, as well as providing them with the necessary education to make informed decisions about their case.

If you are considering a legal settlement, our experienced Civil Litigation Attorneys can help you steer the process and ensure that you receive the best possible positive outcome.

How Much Does a Civil Litigation Attorney Charge?

There are a variety of approaches to how lawyers bill and how much they charge. In many cases, a civil litigation attorney will charge by the hour. They keep meticulous records of how much time is spent on your situation and charge accordingly.

Some civil lawyers will work on contingency, which means your  business attorney  takes a pre-established percentage of your winnings if your civil case is successful. Civil lawyers typically will not work on contingency unless your claim is captivating and holds merit.

You might even find some Civil Litigation Attorney who have flat rates for specific tasks. For example, a civil lawyer might charge a flat rate to send a cease and desist letter. Make sure to know how your civil lawyer’s fees are structured and how payments are made as you don’t want to be surprised down the road.

We understand that  being served a Civil Summons can be an extremely stressful and confusing situation for you.

Our experienced Civil Litigation lawyers address your civil litigation concerns and offer you a peace of mind. Our California Civil Litigation lawyers serve the community in business and real estate litigation. If you’re looking for reliable litigation services in California, Law Mart should be your first choice for civil litigation and appeal cases. 

We Are Here For You 24/7

The faster you speak to a Civil Litigation Attorney the better. Waiting too long to file Civil cases can complicate your case. Make it easy on yourself. Call us to talk with an experienced lawyer right away. Your call is confidential, and you’re FREE CONSULTATION with one of our civil litigation attorneys at (310) 894-6440.

Lawyer Referral Service

If you are in need of a civil litigation attorney to help you get appropriate compensation and medical care you deserve, you should contact an attorney today. Our experienced civil litigation attorney will help you find the solutions you need for your legal issues.

If you have any questions about the information provided above, please contact Law Mart at (310) 894-6440.

Law Mart is a Lawyer Referral that can provide you with a Civil Litigation Attorney.

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